Guidance to indivudual study on ants

5. Examination of ants dragging a caterpillar

Sometimes ants can be observed dragging a large piece of food. Some ants drag it toward their nest and some drag it in the opposite direction.

How to study

Count the number of ants dragging food toward their nest and the number of ants dragging it in the opposite direction.

In which direction was the food dragged? Similar to a rope pulling game, the stronger group wins.

How to count

It is better to record the number of ants dragging a food in terms of ant species.

Aphaenogaster famelica dragging a dead body of grasshopper

6. Examination of how ants walk

Place a mirror under a glass feeding box and observe how ants move their legs. A human walks with the left and forward when he/she moves the right leg forward.

How to study

What is the order of the movement of ant legs? Which leg is elevated and which leg is on the ground?

How to count

Express the legs on the ground by and those off the ground by , and draw a figure of the legs on the ground in succession.

Aphaenogaster famelica
Does the method of walking differ in different locations?