Polyrhachis lamellidens
Original Reference
Smith, F. (1874) Descriptions of new species of Tenthredinidae, Ichneumonidae, Chrysididae, Formicidae, &c. of Japan. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (4) 7: 373-409.
Total length of workers around 7-8 mm. Body bicolored; head, legs and gaster black; mesosoma and petiole reddish brown. Dorsal surface of mesosoma flattened, dorsolateral edges carinate. Pronotum with a pair of forwardly-directed spines. Mesonotum with a pair of backwardly curved spines. Propodeal spines long, their apices curved. Dorsolateral margins of propodeum carinate. Petiole with a pair of long, hooked spines.
This species is referable to subgenus Polyrhachis (s. str). It could be a temporary social parasite, since its queens have been reported to invade the nests of Camponotus japonicus, C. obscuripes, and probably C. kiusiuensis by Sakai (1990). Nests are found in hollow tree trunks. The nuptial flights occur in September to November.
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Yaku I.; Mainland China, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan.
- Descriptions of new species of Tenthredinidae, Ichneumonidae, Chrysididae, Formicidae, &c. of Japan. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (4) 7: 373-409.
- Sakai, H. (1990). Camponotus kiusiuensis Santschi, as a dark host of Polyrhachis lamellidens Fr. Smith. . Insectarium , 27, 67.
Original text by Mamoru Terayama and Masao Kubota. English translation by Mamoru Terayama, edited by Robert W. Taylor