Camponotus yamaokai
Japanese Name
Original Reference
Terayama, M. & Satoh, T. (1990a) A new species of the genus Camponotus from Japan, with notes on two known forms of the subgenus Myrmamblys. Japanese Journal of Entomology 58: 405-414.
Total length of workers around 3.5 - 4.5 mm. Body black; pronotum reddish brown; legs brown. First and 2nd gastral terga each with a pair of whitish spots which vary intraspecifically in size.
This species resembles C. nawai, but is distinguished by its much more prominent eyes and smaller relative head size in minor and major workers. Also, in minor workers, the petiolar scale is thinner in lateral view than in C. nawai; while in major workers it is thinner and wider in dorsal view than in C. nawai. C. nawai is monogynous, nests in woods near seashores, nuptial flights occur during August. C. yamaokai is polygynous, new queens over-winter in the nests and decamp during May (Satoh, 1989). This species is arboreal and nests in dead twigs on trees.
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Yaku I.
- A new species of the genus Camponotus from Japan, with notes on two known forms of the subgenus Myrmamblys. Japanese Journal of Entomology 58: 405-414.
- Satoh, T. (1989). Comparisons between two apparently distinct forms Camponotus nawai Ito (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ins. Soc., 36, 277-292.
Original text by Mamoru Terayama, Masaaki Morisita and Keiichi Onoyama. English translation by Mamoru Terayama, edited by Robert W. Taylor.