Camponotus keihitoi
Japanese Name
Original Reference
Forel, A. (1913) Quelques fourmis des Indes, du Japon et d'Afrique. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 21: 659-673.
Camponotus fallax var. keihitoi Forel (Forel, 1913) [Replacement name for C. tokyoensis Teranishi (Teranishi, 1915)] ,
Camponotus tokyoensis Teranishi (Teranishi, 1915) ,
Camponotus caryae var. keihitoi Forel (Wheeler, 1923) ,
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) caryae var. teranishii Wheeler (Wheeler , 1928) ,
Camponotus keihitoi Forel (Terayama & Satoh, 1990) ,
Total length of workers around 4.5 mm. Body black, evenly shining. Dorsa of mesosoma and petiole without hairs. Metanotal groove distinctly incised dorsally.
This is an arboreal species, nesting in dead twigs on standing trees. The name "keihitoi" was listed as a variety of Camponotus caryae in "A List of the Ants of Japan with Common Japanese Names" (Myrmecological Society of Japan Editorial Committee, 1988), but Terayama and Satoh (1990b) later raised it to full species rank.
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; Korean Peninsula.
- Myrmecological Society of Japan, Editorial Committee (ed.) (Ed.). (1988). A list of the ants of Japan with common Japanese names. The Myrmecological Society of Japan, Tokyo.
- Terayama, M. & T. Satoh (1990b. ). Taxonomic notes on two Japanese species of Formicidae (Hymenoptera). . Jpn. J. Ent., 58, 532.
- Quelques fourmis des Indes, du Japon et d'Afrique. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 21: 659-673.
- Wheeler, W. M. (1928). Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in Japan and Korea. . Boll. Lab. Zool. Gen. Agrar. Portici, 21, 96-125.
- Teranishi, C. (1915). A new species of Formicidae from Japan. Ent. Mag. (Kyoto), 1: 137-138.
- Wheeler, W. M. (1923). Chinese ants collected by Professor S. F. Light and Professor A. P. Jacot. Amer. Mus. Novitates (69): 1-6.
Original text by Mamoru Terayama, Masaaki Morisita and Keiichi Onoyama. English translation by Mamoru Terayama, edited by Robert W. Taylor.