Japanese Name
Original Reference
Emery, C. (1893) Untitled contribution introduced by, "M.C. Emery, de Bologne, envoie les diagnoses de cinq nouveaux genres de Formicides." Bulletin Bimensuel de la SociŽtŽ Entomologique de France 1892 No. 20: cclxxv-cclxxvii.
Medium-sized ponerine ants. Body color yellow to blackish brown. Eyes small to absent (present in the Japanese species). Palpal formula 2:2 or less. Mandibles each with a small pit near its base, on the outer surface. Outer portions of middle tibiae with many stout setae. Middle and hind tibiae each with 2 spurs, one pectinate, the other spinose.
Cryptopone is distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia (around 18 species) and North America (1 species). It is represented by 2 species in Japan.
- Untitled contribution introduced by, "M.C. Emery, de Bologne, envoie les diagnoses de cinq nouveaux genres de Formicides." Bulletin Bimensuel de la SociŽtŽ Entomologique de France 1892 No. 20: cclxxv-cclxxvii.
Original text by Mamoru Terayama and Keiichi Onoyama. English translation by Mamoru Terayama, edited by Robert W. Taylor.