Meranoplus pubescens (Fr. Smith, 1853 Ref.1214): 223 - Queen; Type locality: Adelaide [34/138], South Australia (as New South Wales (sic!) (Cryptocerus pubescens) (Current Combination: Fr. Smith; 1862a Ref.1234: 413).
1214 |
Smith, Fr. 1853. 1853 1214 Monograph of the genus Cryptocerus belonging to the group Cryptoceridae - Family Myrmicidae - Division Hymenoptera Heterogyna. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 7: 213-228 pls 19-21. |
1234 |
Smith, Fr. 1862a. 1862 1234 A list of the genera and species belonging to the family Cryptoceridae, with descriptions of new species; also a list of the species of the genus Echinopla. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (3) 1: 407-416 pls 12-13. |