Podomyrma libra (Forel, 1907a Ref.734): 275 - Worker; Type locality: Eradu [28/115], Western Australia (Dacryon liber) (Current Combination: Taylor and D.R. Brown; 1985 Ref.2328: 83).
734 |
Forel, A. 1907a. 1907 734 Formicidae. in Michaelsen, W. and Hartmeyer, R., (eds.) Die Fauna S_dwest-Australien. Band 1 Lieferung 7: 263-310. Jena: Gustav Fischer. |
2328 |
Taylor, R.W. and Brown, D.R. 1985. 1985 2328 Hymenoptera: Formicoidea. In Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Volume 2. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 381pp. (pp. 1-149, 306-348). |