Podomyrma christae (Forel, 1907b Ref.726): 16 - Worker; Type locality: Sydney [33/151], New South Wales (Dacryon christae) (Current Combination: Taylor and D.R. Brown; 1985 Ref.2328: 81).
= rugosa (Clark, 1934b Ref.296): 38 - Worker, Queen; Type locality: Ferntree Gully [37/145], Victoria (Lordomyrma rugosa) (Synonymy: W.L. Brown; 1957.Ref.159: 49).
159 |
Brown, W.L. Jr. 1957. 1957 159 ("1956"). The identity of Lordomyrma rugosa. Psyche (Cambridge). 63: 49. (23. i. 1957). |
296 |
Clark, J. 1934b. 1934 296 New Australian ants Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 8: 21-47 pls 2-3. |
726 |
Forel, A. 1907b. 1907 726 Formicides du Mus_e National Hongrois. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Naturalis Hungarici 5: 1-42 (30. vi. 1907). |
2328 |
Taylor, R.W. and Brown, D.R. 1985. 1985 2328 Hymenoptera: Formicoidea. In Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Volume 2. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 381pp. (pp. 1-149, 306-348). |