Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, 1881 Ref.576: 5 - Worker; Type locality: Virgin Islands.
= nereis Wheeler, 1927b Ref.1805: 140 - Worker, Queen; Type locality: Norfolk Island [29/168] (Cardiocondyla nuda nereis) (Synonymy: Wilson and Taylor; 1967 Ref.1967: 53).
576 |
Forel, A. 1881. 1881 576 Die Ameisen der Antille St. Thomas. Mitteilungen der M_nchener Entomologisches Verein 5: 1-16. |
1805 |
Wheeler, W.M. 1927b. 1927 1805 The ants of Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 62: 121-153. |
1967 |
Wilson, E.O. and Taylor, R.W. 1967. 1967 1967 The ants of Polynesia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Pacific Insects Monograph 14: 1-109. |