Orectognathus antennatus Fr. Smith, 1853 Ref.1214: 228 - Worker; Type locality: Auckland, New Zealand.
= septentrionalis Forel, 1910 Ref.761: 51 - Queen; Type locality: Wollongbar [28/153], New South Wales (Orectognathus antennatus septentrionalis) (Synonymy: W.L. Brown; 1953b Ref.134: 99).
134 |
Brown, W.L. Jr. 1953b. 1953 134 A revision of the dacetine ant genus Orectognathus. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 13: 84-104 (14. xii. 1953). |
761 |
Forel, A. 1910. 1910 761 Formicides australiens re_us de MM. Froggatt et Rowland Turner. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 18: 1-94. |
1214 |
Smith, Fr. 1853. 1853 1214 Monograph of the genus Cryptocerus belonging to the group Cryptoceridae - Family Myrmicidae - Division Hymenoptera Heterogyna. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 7: 213-228 pls 19-21. |