+MYRMECIA Fabricius
(Myrmeciinae: Myrmeciini)

Myrmecia maura (Wheeler, 1933b Ref.1847): 51 - Worker; Type locality: Bathurst [33/149], New South Wales (Myrmecia (Promyrmecia) aberrans maura) (Current Nomenclature: W.L. Brown; 1953a Ref.132: 18).


Brown, W.L. Jr. 1953a. 1953 132 Revisionary notes on the ant genus Myrmecia of Australia. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 111: 1-35.
Wheeler, W.M. 1933b. 1933 1847 Colony-founding among ants with an account of some primitive Australian species. Cambridge: Harvard Uni. Press 179 pp.