+MYRMECIA Fabricius
(Myrmeciinae: Myrmeciini)

Myrmecia fulviculis Forel, 1913b Ref.800: 174 - Worker; Type locality: Sydney [33/151], New South Wales (Myrmecia (Pristomyrmecia) fulvipes fulviculis) (Current nomenclature: Taylor and D.R. Brown; 1985 Ref.2328: 10) (Other Combination(s): Promyrmecia fulviculus (Clark; 1943 Ref.302: 144)).



Clark, J. 1943. 1943 302 A revision of the genus Promyrmecia Emery (Formicidae). Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 13: 83-149 pls 12-17.
Forel, A. 1913b. 1913 800 Fourmis de Tasmanie et d'Australie r_colt_s par MM. Lea, Froggatt etc. Bulletin de la Soci_t_ Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 49: 173-195 pl 2.
Taylor, R.W. and Brown, D.R. 1985. 1985 2328 Hymenoptera: Formicoidea. In Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Volume 2. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 381pp. (pp. 1-149, 306-348).