+MYRMECIA Fabricius
Myrmecia clarki Crawley, 1922a Ref.3641: 432 - Worker; Type locality: Mundaring Weir [31/116], Western Australia (Other Combination(s): Myrmecia (Promyrmecia) clarki (Wheeler; 1933b. Ref.1847: 61)/ Promyrmecia clarki (Clark; 1943 Ref.302: 132)).
302 |
Clark, J. 1943. 1943 302 A revision of the genus Promyrmecia Emery (Formicidae). Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 13: 83-149 pls 12-17. |
1847 |
Wheeler, W.M. 1933b. 1933 1847 Colony-founding among ants with an account of some primitive Australian species. Cambridge: Harvard Uni. Press 179 pp. |
3641 |
Crawley, W.C. 1922a. 1922 3641 New ants from Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 9: 427-448. |